Strategic exploration of the Harmonized System: What future for customs?

The future of international trade is underway with the Exploratory Study on a potential strategic revision of the Harmonized System (HS) conducted by the WCO. Against a backdrop of rapid developments and growing challenges, this two-year study aims to rethink and modernize this cornerstone of the customs world. Discover the stakes and perspectives of this strategic exploration…

Since its inception in 1988, the Harmonized System has been the cornerstone of product classification worldwide. However, with more than three decades under its belt, it is time to consider its future. The Exploratory Study on a potential strategic revision of the HS, spanning two years, seeks to assess the health of this fundamental system for international trade. In a context where the commercial landscape is evolving at lightning speed, with an increased diversity of actors and products in constant flux, the HS may seem outdated. It is within this framework that the Exploratory Study intervenes, not to replace the regular revision cycles of the HS, but to identify areas for improvement beyond simple content adjustments

The goal is clear: to align the HS with current needs and future challenges. Aware of the stakes, the stakeholders involved, including the Harmonized System Committee and the World Customs Organization (WCO) Council, are working to explore concrete strategies to sustain and optimize this vital system. It is crucial to note that this study does not compromise the ongoing revision cycle for 2027, which will continue to update the content of the HS. Instead, it offers a unique opportunity for comprehensive reflection, incorporating not only content aspects but also associated tools.

In summary, the Exploratory Study marks a turning point in the history of the HS. It paves the way for innovative and relevant recommendations, capable of shaping the future of customs and import-export. To contribute to this reflection, a link to the online survey will be available on the dedicated web page for the HS study. The survey will be open from November 15th to December 31st.

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