Glossary of
Customs Terms.

Glossary Customs terms

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A contraction of the English terms “International Commercial Terms”, representing […]

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Excise Duties

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Excise duties are indirect taxes on the sale or use of certain goods, […]

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Delta T

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DELTA-T is an online service for managing transit declarations.

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Customs Value

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Customs value is the value assigned to goods for calculating customs duties […]

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BAE (Customs)

An act by which the customs authority authorizes the removal of goods.

Preferential Agreement

Preferential trade agreements allow trading partners to benefit from reduced or eliminated tariffs […]

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Authorized Economic Operator (AEO)

The AEO Authorization program is essential for managing international trade exchanges […]

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National Customs Code

The National Customs Code (NCC), also called the "customs code", is a set of rules governing a country's customs operations.

Certificate of Origin

The certificate of origin is a key document in international trade. It certifies that the goods exported originate from a specific country.

Tariff Quota

A tariff quota is a mechanism used to regulate the volume of imports […].

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Declaration of Exchange of Goods (DEB)

A mandatory customs declaration for European businesses used to monitor the movement of goods.

Customs Declaration

An official document used in international trade to declare imported or exported goods.


It is responsible for managing customs activities, collecting duties and indirect taxes, and combating fraud.

DAU Customs

Form used in international exchanges for customs declaration of goods.

Customs Duty

A tax applied to goods when they enter or leave a customs territory […]

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A unique identification number assigned to businesses and economic operators in the context of their trade exchanges.

Tariff Species

Preferential trade agreements allow trading partners to benefit from reduced or eliminated tariffs […]

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A customs document used in international exchanges to prove the preferential origin of goods.


A customs data management system used by the European Union (EU) to enhance the security of international trade.


The process of bringing goods or services into a country from another country to sell or use in the local market.

Free Circulation (Agreement)

This principle allows goods, services, people, and capital to move freely across EU member states without customs restrictions or obstacles.

Free Trade

An economic concept referring to a commercial system where exchanges of goods and services between countries are made without tariff barriers or quantitative restrictions.

CE Marking (Origin)

Certification that a product complies with the safety, health, and environmental protection requirements set by the European Union (EU).

Release for Free Circulation

A customs procedure that allows the importation of goods into a country without further restrictions once customs formalities are completed.

Combined Nomenclature (CN)

A goods classification system used by customs authorities […].

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A system used in France for the classification of products and services for statistical and economic purposes.

World Trade Organization

An international organization that regulates trade between countries by establishing rules and facilitating trade negotiations.

World Customs Organization

An intergovernmental organization dedicated to cooperation and harmonization of customs practices worldwide.

Non-Preferential Origin

Refers to the classification of goods according to their country of origin without benefiting from preferential tariff treatments granted by specific trade agreements.

Preferential Origin

Preferential origin allows for the application of reduced or zero customs duties […].

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PDU (Unique Domiciliation Split)

The unique domiciliation split concept is used in customs and fiscal operations.

PMA (Least Developed Countries)

The Least Developed Countries (LDCs) are countries classified by the United Nations (UN) due to their limited economic development.

Tariff Position

Used in customs and commercial contexts to designate the classification of a product within the goods coding system.


In a commercial and customs context, refers to the origin or source of a product, i.e., the country where it was manufactured, cultivated, or extracted.


RDE refers to how customs duties are allocated between different countries or government levels when a good enters the territory.

Customs Representative

A professional or entity acting on behalf of an importer or exporter to handle customs procedures for the transit of goods across borders.


A tool developed by French customs authorities to facilitate customs declaration processing and improve customs clearance management.


Generally refers to a subdivision of a tariff position in the Harmonized System.

Harmonized System (HS)

An international system for classifying goods used in international trade and customs.


A tariff system used by European Union (EU) member states to manage customs duties and regulations related to foreign trade.

Common External Tariff (TEC)

A tariff system used by the European Union (EU) that governs customs duties applied to imports from third countries.

Freight Forwarder

A professional specialized in organizing and managing the transportation of goods from one point to another, often internationally.

Free Trade Area

An agreement between two or more countries or regions that aims to facilitate trade by reducing or eliminating tariffs and other trade restrictions on goods exchanged between them.

Free Movement Area

An agreement between multiple countries or regions that allows the free movement of individuals and goods, often accompanied by harmonized regulations and policies.