From Rosé to customs formalities

farm land during sunset

From Rosé to Customs Formalities: A Winemaker’s Administrative Journey Thanks to intensive training with LightHouse LHLF and the Federation of Independent Winemakers of PACA-Corsica, Léon the winemaker is finally ready to sell his first batch of rosé. Terms like surety bonds, Authorized Warehouse Keeper status, wine production records, and VAT no longer hold any secrets […]

The new Non-Road Diesel reform explained

Gazol non routier

The New Non-Road Diesel Reform Explained At the beginning of the year, the Prime Minister announced a series of significant measures to support French farmers in response to the challenges faced by the sector. Among these measures, the end of the increase in excise duties on Non-Road Diesel (NRD) stands out. Since July 1, 2024, […]

EU: Giants Temu and Shein Facing Digital Services Act Requirements

Temu shein

EU: Giants Temu and Shein Facing Digital Services Act Requirements In response to the rise of Chinese online shopping platforms, the European Union has decided to take action. On June 28th, the European Commission officially demanded clarifications from the giants Temu and Shein regarding their questionable business practices. This request, motivated by suspicions of non-compliance […]

The EU Increases Tariffs on Chinese Electric Cars

The EU Increases Tariffs on Chinese Electric Cars In response to the influx of subsidized Chinese electric vehicles, the European Union has announced a significant increase in tariffs, marking a pivotal moment in trade relations between Brussels and Beijing. The European Commission has decided to raise tariffs on imported Chinese electric vehicles from 10% to […]

How France is protecting against cyberattacks during the Olympics

How France is protecting against cyberattacks during the Olympics With just three weeks remaining until the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, cybersecurity is becoming a critical concern. This international event will attract thousands of tourists and place France in the global spotlight, increasing the risk of cyberattacks. Cyberattacks are often described as the “flip […]

Olympics 2024 : a simplified customs procedure

Paris 2024 Olympics: A simplified customs procedure As the Paris 2024 Olympics approach, set to take place from July 26 to August 11, 2024, followed by the Paralympics from August 28 to September 8, 2024, French customs is implementing a simplified procedure to facilitate the entry and exit of goods related to these global events. […]


NEW GUIDELINES ON CRIMINAL OFFENSES AND SANCTIONS On March 12, the European Parliament adopted Directive 2024/1226, aimed at strengthening the enforcement of EU sanctions against third parties as part of its common foreign and security policy. This directive, which amends Directive (EU) 2018/1673, defines the criminal offenses and sanctions applicable in cases of violation of […]


FRANCE STRENGTHENS ITS FIGHT AGAINST MARITIME CUSTOMS FRAUD In a new effort to combat illicit trafficking, the French government plans to strengthen control measures in ports by requiring shipping companies to provide more information on goods in transit. This initiative is part of an anti-fraud bill expected this fall and aims to improve the efficiency […]



THE UNITED STATES TOUGHENS ITS STANCE ON CHINA: WHAT ARE THE CONSEQUENCES FOR GLOBAL TRADE? On May 14, U.S. President Joe Biden announced a series of tariff increases on imports from China, highlighting the growing tensions between the two economic powers. But what exactly do these new measures entail and what are their implications for […]

Origin vs provenance : what you need to know

Origin vs Provenance: What You Need to Know In the context of international trade, understanding the origin of goods is a crucial step. Whether you are importing or exporting products, the origin of your merchandise determines the measures and conditions that will be applied to its importation. This notion of origin is not merely a […]