AUDIT by CB Keep calm

The solution is currently being developed 80%

Would you be confident if tomorrow the customs administration were to inspect your customs classification record ?

Audit by CB


Our solution proceeds to an automated audit of your customs data base in order to spot possible classification mistakes or irregularities. New classification suggestions are consequently proposed to you for the suspicious cases.


Peace of mind

You can then rectify incorect customs declarations and thereby avoid costly fines and sanctions. Therefore, you gain more control over legal and financial risks inherent to your international trades.



Audit by cb automates
an inspection of your customs classification record from your customs data base and inform you of possible mistakes.


When a suspicious code
is detected, our solution provides you with more relevant suggestions.


Rectifying your decisions before any inspection will enable you to gain more control over your financial and legal risks.


Our solution and your
data are protected in a secured and reliable environement.

Want to know more ?