Goods identification

This is a prerequisite for general interrogation and search for a tariff heading and for obtaining relevant results.

Usually, goods identification is carried out according to the following main elements:

  • The nature/definition of the product. ex: a bottle of water, a medicine.
  • Its usual, commercial name. ex: a chair, a smartphone.
  • Its composition as detailed as possible (essential for classification). ex: wooden cher for office, for kitchen…
  • Its use, utilization, destination. ex: children’s toy, seat (for the chair), seed grains, food supplement… 
  • Weight, volume, fat content, lenght, width, height…
  • Form, presentation. ex : Flattened or flaked grains.
  • Its specificities (case of dual-use products, weapons equipment, …)

These elements constitute essential classificication criteria, whatever the research methods.

These elements are mainly gathered thanks to :

  • Samples.
  • Pictures.
  • Plans, drawings, diagrams…
  • Company product sheet.
  • Lab analysis results.
  • Company catalog.
  • Information obtained thanks to interactions with operators.
  • Information (definition, description, production process, etc.) provided by dictionaries, encyclopedias,  various and multiple sources.
  • In the Tariff and the explanatory Notes, that define them and describe them for some (ex: suit).

Some of these elements are public, others communicated only between professionals, others still highly confidential and sometimes non-transferable.

Schematically, the recommended path of research and collection of useful elements is as follows: