Redesign of the forms for the implementation of EORI-SIREN

Currently, customs declarations in France are made using a 14-digit EORI-SIRET number (for an establishment). However, EU regulations require the use of a nine-digit EORI-SIREN number for a legal entity, as one SIREN can cover several establishments.

As part of the redesign of the Soprano online service, the Customs Clearance Policy Office is introducing a new EORI form that will allow traders to obtain an EORI-SIREN number, as well as an EORI-SIRET number during the transitional period. Current holders of EORI-SIRET numbers will automatically be able to obtain their new EORI-SIREN number.

Indeed, according to the EU Customs Code and its implementing texts, the EORI must be assigned to an entity with legal personality, i.e, to the company and not to the establishment. The DGDDI (Directorate-General for Customs and Indirect Taxation) is therefore undertaking a period of transition of its IT systems to adapt them to the EORI SIREN. All Member States will have to comply with this requirement by the end of 2025.

It should be noted that the new customs clearance system Delta IE, will work primarily with the EORI SIREN (from 2023), and in its absence, with the EORI SIRET only during the transition period for operators who have not yet obtained their EORI SIREN. However, these numbers cannot be used in existing systems such as Delta G and Delta X, which only accept the EORI SIRET number.

It is therefore essential for an economic operator applying for the first time to request the creation of an EORI SIRET number, as well as an EORI SIREN number, anticipating the implementation of the import functionality of Delta IE.

Companies with an AEO (Authorized Economic Operator) authorization already have a valid EORI SIREN in the French and European database, and will therefore not need to make a request to this effect in SOPRANO EORI.

NB: Between now and the end of 2025, operators will be able to continue to create and use their EORI-SIRET until all customs teleservices integrate this change.