The European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO):
New Authority against fraud into the EU
As international trade has never been so dynamic and intertwined, securing financial flows and fighting against crime constitute a priority. In this regard, at the request of the European Union Commission, the European Public Prosecutor’s Office was created and has been operational since June 1st, 2021.
Its main role is to guarantee border security, protect the Union financial interests and improve international cooperation in customs matters. Before its creation, only national authorities could handle investigations and prosecutions, but their powers stop at national borders, and their tools are limited.
It is a single floor for all participating EU countries. In fact, not all countries adhere to it (like Hungary, Poland or Sweden…). It unites the efforts made by services at the European and national levels in a harmonized approach and operates in complete independence.
In the case of an investigation opened by the public prosecutor’s office, the national authorities refrain from carrying out their own investigations but must inform the EPPO of any relevant/criminal behaviour. It can be noted that OLAF continues to carry out administrative investigations into irregularities and fraud and works in close collaboration with the EPPO.
When it comes to fraud transcending national borders, we must call on the EPPO which will provide an ambitious judicial response. It does not replace national institutions but supports them with clear directives and effective transnational prosecutions. We can note a partnership with the DGDDI in France as well as with other authorities (OLAF, Eurojust, Europol, National Prosecutor’s Offices, etc.).
Currently, 22 member countries out of the 27 are part of the “EPPO” agreement.