AEO status and its importance for world trade

To simplify and secure your international trade, obtaining the status of Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) has become almost essential. This label of confidence in the European customs system is recognized on the international scene. Holding AEO status means benefiting from facilities in terms of customs procedures or controls related to security and safety. This represents a significant commercial and competitive advantage.


Becoming an AEO is a process that the company undertakes voluntarily with the customs authorities. This status allows a company to acquire a quality label on the customs and security processes implemented within a company. It can be awarded to any company in the EU that meets the criteria defined by European regulations. The advantages of being an AEO are numerous. In addition to the customs and security facilities, the process itself is structuring for the company. It allows the company to evaluate and control its processes in terms of customs, but also security and safety. Its organization is optimized by taking into account the customs and logistics functions, better communication between employees and the implementation or improvement of internal control tools. A relationship of trust is established with customs, which becomes the company’s partner. Trade is facilitated with countries that have signed international agreements recognizing AEO status.

There are two types of AEO authorization, the one we are particularly interested in here is the AEO-C1, which is a customs simplification for companies that meet criteria such as having a satisfactory customs, tax and criminal history, an efficient system for managing customs entries, financial solvency and professional competence. The advantages are numerous: less frequent controls, exemption from financial guarantees, priority to laboratory analysis for certain products, authorization to establish simplified declarations, etc. The second authorization is the AEO-S2, Safety and Security. For this authorization, the criteria are almost the same as for the AEO-C1, so the customs have a certain importance concerning this authorization. The tool developed by Customs Bridge allows to check its conformity with the customs. Notably in the classification of products but also in the history of classification of products, more info on